About Me

Let me tell you a few things...



DevOps . Software . Cloud Engineer

I'm a self taught software developer with a passion for technology and innovation. I have a strong foundation in web development, cloud computing, and DevOps. I have experience in Python, Javascript, PHP, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Linux, bash scripting, project management with trello and github projects, AWS, Azure, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and ReactJS.

I can help you with managing your cloud infrastructure, automating your deployment process, and building scalable and reliable applications. I build cloud-native applications that are secure, scalable, and highly available.

Web Development Mentor - CSK

Front End Developer

I am one of the Computer society of Kirinyaga(CSK) mentors in the field of web Development. My team (young professionlas of 10 students) is an enthusiastic one. We have learnt several technologies of the frontend. Git, Github, HTML, CSS, JS

techiesConnect Online Platform


I am currently Spearheading the development of an innovative online platform revolutionizing the tech student experience! It is implemented using ReactJS and Django. It is in progress. It is to:
1. Empower students to connect, collaborate, and thrive in a dynamic digital ecosystem.
2. Provide networking opportunities, knowledge sharing, and access to exclusive job openings.
3. Redefine the student journey with invaluable resources and mentorship for professional growth.
If you are willing to collaborate don't hesitate to hit my inbox.


Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

As a Microsoft ambassador, I've showcased strong leadership, inspiring peers to embrace technology's potential. Fueled by a passion for innovation, I've organized events and led discussions that foster collaboration and learning. My drive is to empower individuals with the tools to thrive in the digital era, making meaningful contributions to technology's ever-evolving landscape.
